Manor Farm Pre-school has up to 26 children’s places per session. The morning sessions operate from 08:55am to 11:55am (3 hours) and the afternoon sessions are 12:10 to 15:10 (3 hours) for children that are funded (over 3’s). Afternoon sessions are available for under 3’s and funded 2 year olds. We can also offer funded 3 year old children the option to take their 15 hours free entitlement over 3 days, for example 2 full days and 1 morning. Children that stay all day need to bring a packed lunch with them as we do not have the facilities to cater for hot meals.
Fees are £7.50 per hour (which increases annually in September) and are invoiced half-termly. We have various companies that we work with that offer voucher initiatives so please check with us to see if we are registered with them. Additionally for those children that are eligible we offer 30 hours funded child-care. Please note that if a funded child chooses to do more than their 15 hours (or 30 hours where eligible) free entitlement they will be billed for the extra time at £7.50 per hour. Please note that fees are still payable if your child is too unwell to attend or if you choose to take holiday during term time.