Our Awards

The Buckinghamshire Quality Assurance award was a scheme for settings to show that they were fully complying with the local authority's charter and to show that settings were providing quality childcare.

We achieved our accreditation in March 2006. The modules were: (1) Welcome, Farewells and Transitions; (2) Working with Parents and the Community; (3) Play and Learning; (4) Meeting Everyone’s Needs and (5) Management and Business.
As you know we have been very busy with the children working on our UNICEF Rights Respecting Setting Award. We are very pleased to announce that we have now been awarded both our ROC (Recognition of Commitment) and our Level 1 Award. Please continue to watch this space for updates about the award scheme, or check out our RRSA noticeboard as you enter to see what your children have been doing with us.
Over the last year our children have learnt about:
their wants and needs,
what makes a family, 
Mrs Rainbow
World Water Day; and
their rights and responsibilities. 
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