About Us

A little bit about us...

Manor Farm Pre-school is a member of the Pre-school Learning Alliance and Bucks Education Authority’s Early Years Partnership. We were founded in 1976 as a playgroup but through the dedication of our committed staff team have developed into a thriving educational pre-school.

The staff are highly trained and caring, with the needs of your children as their main concern. In our pre-school we are also very lucky to have a highly qualified SENCO to oversee all aspects of additional needs whether that be highly gifted children, or those with learning difficulties.
Parents are welcomed into the pre-school to help and assist in any way that they feel able and this helps to make the children, parents and staff part of one big happy team.

Please note that although we are situated on the Manor Farm Schools Campus we are an entirely separate unit from the schools with our own parent management trustees. Being on the management committee is another valuable way of being aware of how the pre-school works and gives you, the parents, a chance to contribute your ideas and skills to the pre-school.

The pre-school cannot run without this committee so please make that first step of joining in and see how much fun you can have.

Did You Know

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www.easyfundraising.org.uk and registering your details.

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